Should a Christian do a Nikkai (muslim marriage)?
Q: I’m a male man engaged to be married to a female lady. We are both born-again and citizens of God’s kingdom. But her father is Muslim. I understand that he would not give his approval to the marriage without a Nikkai (Muslim marriage) ceremony. Please advise me as I do not believe it is proper to do so. [First published on 1 February 2009]
You and your fiancée should conduct your wedding ceremony – and your lives – in a manner consistent with your Kingdom citizenship (since both of you are Born Again). Parents, family members and friends should be enjoined to respect your wishes. Have you spoken to your fiancée’s father directly or you are only getting feelers from around him? Discuss the issue with him. Marriage is for men and women NOT boys and girls, you are therefore responsible to the Lord for your actions and conduct. May the King grant you wisdom and favour in your endeavours.