Praying for leaders…
Q: As a Christian, I know the bible commands us to pray for those in authority. How do you pray for a “president” produced by a flawed (s)election? [First published on 1 February 2009]
As kingdom citizens, we should be led by the Holy Spirit in making prayers. He knows everything and generally desires to help us in praying right. We read of a man’s experience in Ezekiel 11. Prophet Ezekiel was lead by the Holy Spirit to denounce certain princes in Israel. While he was declaring those words as guided by the Holy spirit, one of the rulers died. In another place it is written Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard (underline mine) 2 Kings 19:20 (NKJV)
In the absence of specific direction by the Holy Spirit, one should pray using scriptures. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 enjoins us to pray first for all men. Since all men are not in the same condition, we make different requests for them. For a thief, I pray for him to see the errors of his ways and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. For the sick and the needy, I request for them to be healed and their needs met. For the hungry and illiterate, my prayer and desire is to be used of God to help feed and educate them. For a purloined presidency, I pray Proverbs 21:1 (CEV) The Lord controls rulers, just as he determines the course of rivers. For wicked and corrupt rulership, I pray according to Proverbs 11:10 (CEV) When honest people prosper and the wicked disappear, the whole city celebrates.