Lecture on demons…
Q: Please give me a lecture on demons. Who are demons? Where do they come from? Can they be killed through prayers? [First published on 18 January 2009]
Demons are also referred to in the Bible as foul spirits, devils, evil spirits and unclean spirits. They are fallen angels (they fell with Lucifer – who became Satan) Revelation 12:3-7. They are disembodied spirits (“beings without bodies” Living Bible) seeking to possess humans or any available body to influence evil (Matt 12:43 – 45). They do not die nor can they be killed by prayer and there are several instances Jesus and His disciples cast them out in the Scripture.
Biblical prescriptions are – put on the whole armour of God – Ephesians 6:10-17; give no place to them – Ephesians 4:27; resist them in faith (James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:9).