I need clarification about my marital state
Q: I got married many years ago to a man I loved and still love. I was and still am his second wife and we have 3 children. Last year, I was converted and became a born again Christian. I need clarification about my marital state. Some have pointed to me that I can’t be born again and remain in my marriage as a second wife. [First published on 18 January 2009]
The Scriptures are very clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24 (NLT) this explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife (NOT wives), and the two are united into one. (emphasis mine). Jesus reiterated this in verses five and six of the nineteenth chapter of Matthew when He was asked about divorce. Paul writing in 1 Corinthians 7:2 (NLT) says ….each man should have his own wife (not wives), and each woman should have her own husband (not husbands) (emphasis mine).
The bible does not permit or encourage polygamy (having more than one wife at a time) or polyandry (having more than one husband at a time). Strictly and scripturally therefore having a second (or being a second) wife is anything but marriage as defined by its Originator. When one in such a state gets born again and becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of God, she does well when she leaves such position. Great care, thought and consideration however, need to be taken as children are involved.