eLifeClass began as LifeClass at the turn of the third millennium [in 2000] when its pioneer, Adewale Adefuye, was sent as a missionary to Nigeria to plant a branch of a UK-based church. In this new church plant, he followed the usual template of many a Pentecostal assembly running different classes for various attendees:
Foundation level—for the newly converted; Membership class, which covered our creed and membership requirements; Stewardship class – requirements and expectations of serving in the community of faith; Leadership class – training of leaders.
The notion of perpetuating the characteristic interactive atmosphere in these classes led to the birth of LifeClass, a conducive, interactive, stimulating, non-threatening environment to examine the canon of Scriptures with the intent to obey. Part of the design of eLifeClass is to revamp the instructional template in the local community of faith.
Before long, LifeClass—sessions and seminars—became an unsafe space for religious sacred cows to roam. They soon started getting barbecued by the heat generated from exposure to the light of the Scriptures. Its beneficiaries use such expressions as ‘engaging’, ‘provoking’, ‘helps me to develop a deeper appreciation and respect for the Scriptures’ and ‘participating in those sessions has strengthened my backbone in the spirit’, and ‘a safe place to ask questions, show my ignorance and equally make contributions others find valuable.’
Over the years, LifeClass has morphed into eLifeClass. ‘eLife’ is eternal life, which is the very nature of God—the DNA of the Almighty. In eLifeClass, we are persuaded that God’s greatest joy is to see His children living on earth as carriers of His DNA.