About The Book
Greetings! It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you a book I have just written with a dear friend, The Paternoster Code—a novel on prayer.
Paternoster is the Latin word for ‘Our Father’.
The Paternoster Code is a captivating story on how to foster a lifelong loving relationship with the One, who is Our Father—the One who hears prayer, and to whom all mankind comes.
The story is about: Mariam, a young Asian widow, who is on the run and on a quest to avenge her husband’s assassination. And Gaius, an African British New Testament minister. The two meet on an 11-hour train ride across the British isles and a life-changing conversation ensues.
Aside unraveling many scriptural truths, their conversation centres round how closely the Lord’s Parable of the Persistent Widow (in the New Testament) relates to a fresh, unorthodox take on the story of David and Goliath (in the Old Testament).
We trust that The Paternoster Code will be worth the investment of your time and attention in reading. And we would love to hear your feedback on what some may describe as an unorthodox view.